Hope Squad

Hope Week at Whitewater High School was filled with many activities designed to promote mental health & wellness within the student body. Students enjoyed bracelet making, chalk drawing, face painting, positive messages and creating cards to express their gratitude for others. They also enjoyed the beautiful tulips blooming in the Hope Garden in front of the high school circle drive.

An assembly was held on May 4, 2023 to talk about the importance of mental health, increase empathy and understanding for people going through challenging times and formally introduce Hope Squad members. Students were touched by stories shared by two amazing women in the Whitewater community - Shannon Schumacher and Beth Nickels who encouraged everyone to reach out for help whenever needed.

Prioritize your mental health. Seek help whenever needed. Things will get better. Once you choose hope - anything is possible.

If you or someone you know are experiencing a mental health event or are in need of support, the following resources are available:

  • 988 Suicide & Crisis LifelineAnyone in mental health distress can call or text 988 or use the chat function via www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org to connect with a counselor through what will be known as the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. Wisconsinites who use 988 will connect with Wisconsin Lifeline, an in-state call center where trained counselors answer calls, chats & texts.

Concerned about a Friend Struggling with Depression

  • Call Walworth County Human Services: (262) 741-3200
  • Call Jefferson County Human Services: (920) 674-3105
  • Call Rock County Human Services: (608) 757-5200

Concerned about a Friend Expressing Suicidal Thoughts

  • Call Whitewater Police Department: 911

If you’re not sure who to call

  • Whitewater High School Student Services Staff are always available to help during the school day throughout the school year.

Suicide Prevention Lifeline

  • 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

For more photos from throughout the week, visit the Whitewater High School Facebook page.