Model UN

From Thursday, February 6th through Sunday, February 9th, more than 3.000 high school students from nearly 100 schools across the country and worldwide represented the member states of the United Nations.

The Model United Nations of the University of Chicago is staffed entirely by students and alumni from the University of Chicago. It is one of the largest high school conferences in the country and is widely regarded as one of the most prestigious.

Since its founding in 1988, MUNUCā€™s purpose has been:

Ā·      To educate high school students in the arts of debate, negotiation, and public speaking by providing a forum in which they can hone their skills.

Ā·      To introduce students to the fascinating realities and complexities of international relations through simulation of international organizations.

Ā·      To foster the next generation of global citizens capable of evaluating and formulating solutions to the worldā€™s most urgent challenges.

On Saturday evening, students enjoyed pizza at Gino's East, and they used whiteout to write their names on the walls of the restaurant. This is a tradition that the Whitewater High School delegations have participated in since the first MUNUC conference in 1999.