High School New Student Orientation will take place today at WHS from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. for any new high school students (students new to the district).
La orientaciĆ³n para nuevos estudiantes de secundaria se llevarĆ” a cabo hoy en WHS de 1:00 p. m. a 2:00 p. m. para todos los nuevos estudiantes de secundaria.
The Main Office and Student Services Office are in need of students looking to earn volunteer hours as Office Runners. Must be reliable, courteous, and able to maintain confidentiality. If you are interested, please contact Mrs. Heinowski in the Main Office or Mrs. Millard in Student Services.
Schedules are now available for the first day of school for freshmen only on Tuesday, September 6, and the first day of school for all students on Wednesday, September 7.
Tuesday, September 6, Freshmen Only: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bSdxb7qXYFt0QuLj9ZIJpdcKk00sK4nF/view?usp=sharing)
Wednesday, September 7, All Students: (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wLZ8lg19D7xjPAvdfVjCv0FkEKZXrfDc/view?usp=sharing)
Thank you to everyone who came out and picked up or purchased our 2022 yearbook last night! Students still at Whitewater who did not pick up their yearbook will receive them in their homeroom after school starts. If you purchased a yearbook and have graduated, please contact Mrs. Debbie Roland at droland@wwusd.org or 262-472-8209 to arrange your pick up. Please note that teachers and staff are in meetings all next week so yearbook pick up will not be available during that time.
Students interested in joining the cheerleading squad for fall and/or winter should contact Jorie Raudenbush at jfranger@wwusd.org.
Our 2021-22 yearbooks have arrived! On Thursday, August 25, from 4 pm to 7 pm, come to the picnic tables next to the concession stand behind WHS to pick up your yearbook, and stay to catch up with your friends and sign each other's books. Students will be able to purchase sodas, Subway subs, and chips at the concession stand located between the high school building and the baseball field. If you have questions, please reach out to yearbook advisors Kate Weston at kweston@wwusd.org or Debbie Roland at droland@wwusd.org.
CESA2 has confirmed that the following in-person Driversā Education sessions will be held at Whitewater High School this year:
2022 Fall Mon. & Wed. Session: 09/12/2022 to 11/07/2022, 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
2023 Winter Mon. & Wed. Session: 01/04/2023 to 03/01/2023, 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM
Use this link to download a registration form: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CHpQL8yUALFMoi2SxgSBuOSfb20dIfJq/view?usp=sharing
Athletic Code Meeting Fall 2022-
For any athlete who missed the mandatory fall athletic code meeting, please view the video and answer the questions.
Summer School Playhouse presents Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, July 7-9th at WHS Auditorium. Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for students. Call 262-472-8178.
WUSD Weekly Update - June 7, 2022
Dear Families,
Here are a few updates in the District:
āAfter a very thorough vetting process, the members of the elementary math committee are delighted to announce that the Whitewater Unified School District will be adopting a new elementary math program beginning in the Fall of 2022. Bridges in Mathematics is a comprehensive PK-5 curriculum that equips teachers to fully address academic standards in a rigorous, engaging, and accessible manner. Students gain a deep understanding of concepts, proficiency with key skills, and the ability to solve complex problems. The curriculum is composed of three distinct but integrated components: Problems & Investigations, Work Places, and Number Corner. Whitewater elementary teachers will begin training for the program implementation this spring and again throughout August. They will be ready and eager to hit the ground running with this exciting new curriculum when school starts in the fall. https://www.mathlearningcenter.org/curriculum/bridges
āOnline Registration for the 2022-23 school year (also known as the annual update) should have been completed by Friday, June 3rd. The annual update needs to be completed each year for existing families in the Whitewater Unified School District.
āWUSD Summer School begins on Monday, June 20th!
āWUSD Registration Days: Middle School and High School - August 11 from 12pm-5pm and Elementary - August 17 from 9am-1pm & 3pm-6pm.
Have a fun and safe summer!
COVID-19 data can be tracked at: https://sites.google.com/wwusd.org/wusd-covid-19/health-safety.
We appreciate your support, WUSD families!
Dr. Caroline Pate-Hefty
ActualizaciĆ³n semanal de WUSD
Estimadas familias,
AquĆ hay algunas actualizaciones en el Distrito:
āDespuĆ©s de un proceso de investigaciĆ³n muy completo, los miembros del comitĆ© de matemĆ”ticas de primaria estĆ”n encantados de anunciar que el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Whitewater adoptarĆ” un nuevo programa de matemĆ”ticas de primaria a partir del otoƱo de 2022. Bridges in Mathematics es un plan de estudios integral para los grados PK-5 que capacita a los maestros para abordar plenamente los estĆ”ndares acadĆ©micos de una manera rigurosa, atractiva y accesible. Los estudiantes adquieren una comprensiĆ³n profunda de los conceptos, el dominio de las habilidades clave y la capacidad de resolver problemas complejos. El plan de estudios se compone de tres componentes distintos pero integrados: Problemas e Investigaciones, Lugares de Trabajo y RincĆ³n de los NĆŗmeros. Los maestros de primaria de Whitewater comenzarĆ”n la formaciĆ³n para la aplicaciĆ³n del programa esta primavera y de nuevo a lo largo de agosto. EstarĆ”n preparados y ansiosos por empezar a trabajar con este nuevo y emocionante plan de estudios cuando las clases comiencen en otoƱo. https://www.mathlearningcenter.org/curriculum/bridges
āLa inscripciĆ³n en lĆnea para el aƱo escolar 2022-23 (tambiĆ©n conocida como la actualizaciĆ³n anual) debe completarse antes del viernes 3 de junio. La actualizaciĆ³n anual necesita ser completada cada aƱo para las familias existentes en el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Whitewater. Un correo electrĆ³nico fue enviado el lunes, 23 de mayo con mĆ”s informaciĆ³n sobre cĆ³mo completar la actualizaciĆ³n anual 2022-23.
āĀ”La Escuela de Verano de WUSD comienza el lunes 20 de junio!
āDĆas de inscripciĆ³n de WUSD: Escuela Media y Preparatoria - 11 de agosto de 12pm-5pm y Primaria - 17 de agosto de 9am-1pm & 3pm-6pm.
Ā”Que tengan un verano divertido y seguro!
Los datos de COVID-19 pueden encontrarse en: https://sites.google.com/wwusd.org/wusd-covid-19/health-safety.
Ā”Apreciamos su apoyo, familias de WUSD!
Lo mejor,
Dra. Caroline Pate-Hefty
In order to include Prom, spring sports, and graduation in the yearbook, we have moved to a summer delivery. We are planning a distribution event in early August to pass out books, enjoy a cookout, and let students have one final get-together before they head their prospective ways. We understand some graduates might already be off on their next adventures, but, hopefully, the date will work for most. We will be in contact via IC and social media once more information is available. If you have any questions, please contact Kate Weston at kweston@wwusd.org.
We can't wait! On June 8, Whitewater Unified School District will be launching their new web site! The address will stay the same, but the look and feel will be brand new!
We are fortunate to have the City of Whitewater Local Cable Channel providing us with a LIVE STREAM for our commencement ceremony on Sunday, June 5.
Go to https://vimeo.com/cityofwhitewater
Find the video at the top with the title WHS Commencement Ceremony 2022 with a "LIVE" indicator.
Important Upcoming Dates at WHS:
Graduation Practice: Friday, June 3
Semester Exams: June 3, 6, and 7
Graduation: Sunday, June 5, 2:00 pm
Last Day of School: Tuesday, June 7
ALL students in grades 9-11 need to return their Chromebooks and chargers to their Homeroom Teacher prior to leaving for the summer. Any student who has not returned their Chromebooks by 11:30 on Tuesday, June 7 will be charged the full cost of the machine and charger. All personal stickers / decals must be removed prior to returning. BUT do NOT remove the WUSD barcode as it may result in a fine.
GO FIRST Robotics Team!! We are cheering you on, Team #6574!
Remember that the open enrollment period for the 2022-23 school year closes at 4 p.m. on April 29th, 2022! Parents and guardians can apply to send their kids to any public school other than the one in which they already reside during the 2022-23 school year. Link to online application here: https://dpi.wi.gov/oe